Safe and responsible play

Need help?

Professional support

If you’re no longer playing for fun, if you feel like you’re losing control or if your visit to the casino is no longer a relaxed evening out, it’s a good idea to seek help. You don’t have to deal with this alone.

If you’d like more information about gambling and the risks involved, if you need help changing your gaming behaviour, if you’re playing more often than you’d like or if you have any other problems with your gaming behaviour, there are various professional support providers than can help. For most care institutions you need a referral from your general practitioner, but an initial consultation is often free. A list is provided below:

Maak je je zorgen om een vriend of familielid?

If you suspect that a loved one (a friend or family member) has a gambling problem and you’re worried about them, report the issue to Holland Casino.


Questions or complaints?
Let us know!

We always do everything we can to give you the best possible casino experience. If you have any questions or complaints about our prevention policy, feel free to get in touch with our Customer Service.