Friday 24 May until Sunday 9 June

Get your chance to win € 10,000

Chance to win €10,000
Here's how

Play on one of the slot machines between Friday 24 May and Sunday 9 June. Do you win the Favorites Jackpot? Then you will receive €50 and a ticket for the lucky draw with a chance of winning €10,000. Until Sunday 9 June, we are handing out as many as 8,500 additional Favorites Jackpots. Read the game rules.

Thursday 13 June

Put the winners night
on your calendar

The night for everyone who participated in guessing the number of coins in the lucky fountain and/or everyone who holds a tombola lottery ticket.

  • Experience a festive night with live music.

  • Arrive on time! We expect crowds so make sure you get to the casino before 21:00.

  • From 22:00, the winner of €10,000 will be announced by a notary at each establishment. Just imagine that's you....

On to winner's night!

Do you also want
a chance to win €100,000?

The fountain of luck: guess!

In each establishment, there is a fountain of luck with countless coins. Or is there? Because if you guess how many coins are in the lucky fountain between Friday 24 May and Sunday 9 June, you have a chance to win the national grand prize of up to €100,000.

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